Why Music?
Signing up for music lessons can be a difficult task. Many times parents ask several questions regarding our teachers, what instrument their child should play, etc. Many times we are asked what is the benefit of taking music lessons? This becomes an essential question since we want you to be comfortable with the commitment you are making when signing up for our programs. So we compiled a few facts on why music is such an important element in your child's education.
"Music allows me to let go of stress and anger, resulting in a more positive and open minded outlook towards life."
We asked a few of our students to share their thoughts on why music is important to them. Here are there responses:
You make better friends
It makes me feel better
It makes me relax after a stressful day
It makes me feel better after I get something
It makes me more peaceful
Makes me feel more relaxed and my parents force me!
It makes me feel relaxed, not so much stress
It makes me happy
It makes me smile
It makes me feel happy and it's fun :)
It makes me feel creative :)
Helps me get along with my older sister better.
When I complete something I feel accomplished, and it is also a chore :(
Music allows me to let go of stress and anger, resulting in a more positive and open minded outlook toward life.
It sometimes bores me but sometimes relaxes me...
It makes me feel accomplished, smarter, happy, and relaxed.
Music is a Science
Music is Mathematical
Music is a Foreign Language
Music is History
Music is Physical Education
Music Develops Insight and Demands Research
Music is all these things, but most of all, MUSIC IS ART.
This is why we teach music music, not because we expect you to major in music, or because we expect you to play or sing all your life...
But so you will be human, so you will recognize beauty, so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world, have something to cling to, have more love, more compassion, gentleness, and good, but in short....More Life.
Whether you have been taking lessons for years or if you are a new parents contemplating music lessons for your child we hope that you take into consideration the importance of music in our lives and the power it has to improve our academic and personal lives.
Posted by Jeffrey Ledon.
Mr. Jeffrey has been teaching at Cerritos Yamaha Music School for over 3 years and is also choir director at Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, CA.
As a Yamaha Music Education System instructor he encourages a well rounded music education curriculum for all students, and is a big supporter of the arts at all ages (child to adult)!